To Climb or Not to Climb

The corporate ladder…should we climb it, or should we jump off where we are and start our own business? Has this question ever floated through your mind? Do you have a business idea but no clue how to go about getting started?

I can help!

The “corporate ladder” is a term many people think of when they consider a traditional business set up. You start at an entry level position and after showing your skill and loyalty you begin to get promoted. Each new promotion is one step higher up the ladder, but for many this approach to work feels constricting and limiting. It feels as if your efforts are going to build a better future for your boss not your own family. Not to mention your schedule and your tasks are not up to you to decide as you are accountable to your supervisor and their priorities.

But starting a new business…where to begin? What are the risks? Is it better to have my own business or have the security offered by a regular paycheck?

There is no one right answer to these questions. The answer for each person lies within. The motivation is what is most important. The businesses that succeed are ones that are established with passion and a willingness to become the business person your business will require.

Just having a good business idea will not make you a successful business person. There are a million good ideas but not a million people that can bring them to fruition and make a living out of them.

Timing and passion are two powerful considerations. The best timing for beginning a new business venture depends on the amount of risk you can take and the amount of time you can invest in building your new idea. Passion is what will carry you through when the going gets rough.

For some, it is best to begin the business on the side of the current corporate job until you generate enough income to live and make it your full-time pursuit. For others, they have the nest egg and or the financial backing to jump in fulltime from the get-go. Then again, some need the stability of a regular paycheck and forgo the risks associated with owning their own business. There is no judgment no matter the decision, as each person must answer for their own family.

Schedule your personal Meet & Greet today to begin the process of sorting through whether beginning your own business makes sense for you.
