Are you ready for a new beginning to the story of your life? I’m here to help.


What is coaching?

Coaching is externally focused, and results oriented, providing a way to actively determine and achieve your goals, personally and professionally.

Coaching is about overcoming obstacles and moving forward despite what your history may have held. The coach is actively engaged in the process of determining goals and creating an action plan to bring about positive results in all areas of your life.

The coach will equip, encourage and hold the accountability to inspire you to take the steps necessary to live your best life.

Coaching is determining where you are now in order to establish the goals you need to move you forward into your desired future.

Am I ready to live the life my heart desires?


Am I willing to modify what I think and do in order to get the results I want?


Am I willing to work towards my goals?


Am I ready to live a life of passion and purpose?


Am I ready to go from surviving to thriving?


Am I ready to make change?


If your answers to some or all of these questions are YES – then coaching is the route for you.

My Coaching Process

1. Determine where you are...

In our first sessions we will assess where you are overall in your life; in terms of what is and what is not working for you in relationships, finances, employment, and most importantly-personal identity.

2. Establish where you would like to be...

We will do some dreaming and vision sessions to uncover and discover what you desire as your best life.

3. Create the plan (steps) to get from here to there as simply and quickly as possible...

We will create the map (in actionable steps) to get you from where you are now to living your desired future.

Others who have worked with Tamara…

Lantz and Thessa

Fellow Homesteaders

Tamara is a true embodiment of an amazing person. She's very smart and a great mentor. She would guide you on how to get things done in the most simple and effective manner. Her kindness and enthusiasm radiates. You can feel her compassion for people and her animals on their homestead.

Susan Lewis

Nurse Practitioner

When I need a life coach for my clients, Tamara is my #1 go to person. She understands that people need to hear the truth to grow as a person. If you want an all around healthier life and mindset then she IS for you. She helps guide my clients to healthy and realistic goals. She is amazing with follow up, so be ready to hit the ground running with Tamara! I can 100% attest to her capabilities and if you are ready to move forward in life, you should work with Tamara as your life coach to make that happen.

I’m looking forward to meeting and working with you to live your best life.
